Community Guidelines

1. Introduction

Welcome to Holoworld, a community where get your favorite characters alive.

2. Age Requirement

To access any NSFW content, you must be 18 years and older.

3. Content Guidelines

We encourage creativity but prohibit:

  • Hate speech, discrimination, and harassment.

  • Non-consensual or violent content.

  • Illegal activities.

4. Character Creation and Interaction

  • All characters must be fictional and not resemble real individuals without consent.

  • NSFW content must be appropriately tagged.

5. Prohibited Topics

Strictly forbidden topics include:

  • Racial discrimination

  • Incest.

  • Glorification of violence.

6. User Conduct

  • Respect fellow community members.

  • Respect creators.

7. Reporting and Enforcement

Report violations via [link]. Actions for non-compliance may include warnings or account suspension.

8. Privacy and Rights

We respect your privacy and intellectual rights. For more details, refer to our Privacy Policy.

9. Updates and Revisions

Guidelines are subject to change. Stay updated by visiting this page regularly.

Thank you for being a part of Holoworld. Let's create a respectful and engaging community together.

Last updated